If you are interested in having me read and review a book, feel free to contact me, but first please check the answers to some critical questions.
Which books will I consider for a review?
The only genre I will accept for review is Speculative Fiction. That means fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy, fairy tales, alternate history, dystopia, steampunk, horror, time travel, and post-apocalyptic.
What formats am I willing to review?
I prefer to read ebooks on my Kindle. I’m also a member of NetGalley and Edelweiss, so I can accept eGalleys via their service.
It does not matter if a book is an ARC or a finished copy. But be aware that spelling errors will affect my rating.
English only.
Where will my review be posted?
Since I like to share my opinions on books, I also post my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. I promote my new reviews via Twitter and Pinterest.
Please inform me if you would like me to post the review anywhere else and I will do my best to accommodate you.
What should you include in your review request?
- Book title
- Is it part of the series?
- Summary
- Release date
- A time frame for when you expect the review to be posted
- Any other special requests
How far in advance do I need a book?
I am usually able to read and review a book within two months of receiving it. If you are a publisher or author I already cooperated with before, I may be able to squeeze it in sooner.
Please Note:
I will not accept any monetary compensation from publishers or authors to write a positive review of a book. All reviews on this blog are my personal, honest opinion.
A positive review of your book cannot be guaranteed. But even if I write a negative review I can promise to do it respectfully, with a list of things that did not work for me and a list of potential things that other readers might like.
Do I participate in blog tours?
First of all, I have to have an interest in the book that is being promoted.
As a part of your blog tour, I am willing to do a review, playlist, dream-cast, guest post, interview, or whatever format comes to your mind but it will have to be exclusive and unique content.
I do not do cover reveals. Sorry, but I do not want to be one of many bloggers that will reveal it on the same day. Unless (of course) you are willing to do a cover reveal exclusively on my blog.
Am I willing to publish a guest post?
Yes. But again unique content catch – I will not accept to publish pre-cooked guest posts. Guest posts text should be original and not published before. The topic should be relevant to the other topics covered on this blog.